To publish your mobile app built on the Mobstep platform to Google Play and Apple App Store, please follow the detailed instructions below:

1. Publishing to Google Play Store:

  1. Create a Google Play Developer Account:
    • Visit the Google Play Developer Console website and sign in with your Google account.
    • Follow the instructions to create a new developer account and provide the necessary information and payment details.
  2. Prepare your App for Publishing:
    • Ensure that your app meets the Google Play Store policies and guidelines.
    • Test your app thoroughly to identify and fix any bugs or issues.
    • Optimize your app's performance and user experience.
  3. Generate the APK / aab File:
    • In your Mobstep account, navigate to the "Application Builder" section.
    • Build a debug apk version of your app and test it on your android device.
    • Build a release bundle (aab) of your app.
  4. Upload the aab File to Google Play Console:
    • Go to the Google Play Developer Console.
    • Click on "Create Application" to start the app submission process.
    • Provide all the necessary information about your app, such as the app name, description, screenshots, and icons.
    • Upload the generated APK file that you obtained from Mobstep.
    • Set the pricing, availability, and distribution options for your app.
  5. UComplete the App Release Process:
    • Review and verify all the information you provided for your app listing.
    • Submit your app for review by clicking on the "Submit for Review" or similar button.
    • Google Play Store will review your app to ensure it complies with their policies.
    • Once your app is approved, it will be available for download on the Google Play Store.

2. Publishing to Apple App Store:

2.1 Store Owner

  1. Create an Apple Developer Account:
    • Visit the Apple Developer website and sign in with your Apple ID.
    • Enroll in the Apple Developer Program and provide the necessary information and payment details.
  2. Prepare your App for Publishing:
    • Ensure that your app meets the Apple App Store guidelines and policies.
    • Test your app thoroughly on different iOS devices and versions to identify and fix any bugs or issues.
    • Optimize your app's performance and user experience.
  3. GGenerate the IPA File:
    • In your Mobstep account, navigate to the "Application Builder" section.
    • Build a release IPA file.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to generate the IPA file. Make sure to select the appropriate settings and configurations for your app.
  4. Create an App Store Connect Record:
    • Go to the App Store Connect website and sign in with your Apple Developer account.
    • Click on "My Apps" and then on the "+" button to create a new app record.
    • Provide all the necessary information about your app, such as the app name, description, screenshots, and icons.
  5. Upload the IPA File to App Store Connect:
    • In the App Store Connect dashboard, select your app record.
    • Go to the "App Store" tab and click on "iOS App".
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to upload the generated IPA file that you obtained from Mobstep.
    • Set the pricing, availability, and other app details.
  6. Complete the App Review Process:
    • Review and verify all the information you provided for your app listing.
    • Submit your app for review by clicking on the "Submit for Review" or similar button.
    • Apple's App Review team will review your app to ensure it complies with their guidelines and policies.
    • Once your app is approved, it will be available for download on the Apple App Store.